Suomi: Frontpage

Klip-Nordic Suomi

Yhteispohjoismainen yhdistys huostaanotettujen lasten vanhemmille, heidån 
lapsilleen ja aiheen tukioille

Finland does not yet have its own finished page in the Klip-Nordic site. We know from the fine work done by human rights organizations Lokakuun Liike (October Movement) that there are serious human rights problems in child welfare in Finland.  We can also look at it based on statues.  We here in Denmark have experienced the joy of parents of placed children beginning to stand together and support the obstacle against the injustices they are being exposed to.  We have experienced the strength that comes from starting to cooperate with each other and to organize ourselves and we have experienced the strength it is to start working with citizens in other countries who face similar challenges.  We would like to collaborate with parents of placed children in Finland and we would like to support the development of networks supporting parents of placed children in Finland

Contact Klip-Nordic

You can call Klip-Nordic's Danish phone. All Klip-Nordic's work is voluntary and there is not a fixed telephone line so there is no guarantee that your call will be taken, but you can send an SMS or leave a message. 

+45 42 91 40 84

You can also use the contact form below to contact us. (It is important that you write your e-mail address correctly otherwise we cannot get in touch with you to answer your inquiry). We strive to respond within one or two days.

Email *
Message *
