Press Release About Demonstration


International demonstrations against Norway’s dysfunctional child protection system.

- In Denmark we use the same system
Did you know that Norway has a dysfunctional and corrupt public child protection system, which often places children in conditions that are significantly worse than those they came from? Who removes children who do not need to be removed? Who systematically breaks down the relationship between placed children and their parents? Who will not house children even if the home situation has improved? Did you know that placement of children is a really good business for certain professional groups? Did you know that Norway’s public child protection system maintains unjustified force removal on so many children that the Norwegian state has as many as 26 cases against it in the European Court of Human Rights? Did you know that thousands of people in over 40 different cities in 17 different countries are walking on the streets to protest the behavior displayed by the Norwegian child protection system? And did you know that in Denmark we largely use the same ideology and method when it comes to placement of children?
The Norwegian child protection system is called Barnevernet and we are walking on the street against its ideology and method on September 7 in Copenhagen and Aarhus and in over 40 other cities in Norway, Austria, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Spain, Serbia, Russia, Italy , Canada, USA, Hawaii, Ireland, New Zealand, Poland, Germany and Romania.
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Poster Project "My Missing Child"
In connection with the international protest against The Barnevernet ideology, in Denmark we have initiated a poster project, which we call "My Missing Child".
In Denmark, the ideology of Barnevernet is not just a distant threat! Many of us who demonstrate on September 7 have have had our children taken away from us by the authorities. The poster project "My Missing Child" is an illustration of this. It is the parents own images of themselves and the children that have been transformed into stylized color-toned posters, where the children have been covered with a uniform color surface to express the fact that the children are no longer present in the family relationship they came from. The protesters have the opportunity to carry a poster of their own "missing" children at the demonstration. At the same time you can see the poster motifs online on the Danish website of the demonstration:
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In Norway, over the past 10 years there has been a resistance movement towards Barnevernet and the way it works..
The Norwegian protest has received support from abroad as many non-Norwegian citizens has been victems of the Norwegian child protection system.
In Denmark, it is only in recent years that we have gained a resistance movement against the unreasonable placement of children that takes place here in Denmark under exactly the same circumstances as in Norway.
The Danish version of the international demonstration against Barnevernets Ideolog is thus a collaboration between two groups. One is the Parent Party, which is trying to create a political party with the right to stand, but which is also acts as an active support group for parents of placed children. The other is the Foreningen Klip association, an association which was formed in May 2019 by parents of placed children and has already become a joint Nordic association with the name Klip-Nordic.
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