Global Protest: Background and Information

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The global movement against family splitting policies is a loosely organised international group that was lounged upon a Bulgarian initiative in the summer 2019 under the name "Stop Barnevernet ideology!" It had it's first global protest in about 9 countries throughout the world on the 7th September 2019.

This page written by the Danish anchor person Mikkel Meinike Nielsen and it contains descriptions and links to farther resources.
From the point of view of the ordinary citizen
Let me start this review of the background of the global protest with the statement of an ordinary Norwegian father.
Ørjan Larsen writes on Facebook on November the 17th 2019
What is it that politicians do not understand about Barnevernet (the Norwegian child protection system)?  Every day, ordinary people and families receive letters from the Barnevernet.  There is no danger to the child's life and health.  The case is runed.  Notice of meeting.  You will be pressured to sign a statement of consent.  If you do not sign or refuse to cooperate, the police can pick up your child to talk to it.  They use this as means of pressure against you to get you to sign.  In addition, there will be visits to the home to see if it is tidy and neat.  They also need to talk to the child alone.  It doesn't help that the "aunts" who come to visit try to be sweet and kind.  This is the state that forcibly intervenes in privacy.  It is not voluntary at all.  Those who receive letters in the mail respond with shock and disbelief.  Get scared.  Why are so many scared?  Because you do not know what Barnevernet can do.  They have the power to take your child away from you!  You automatically get into a defensive position.  It is perceived as an attack, a serious threat to you and your family.  It triggers a strong stress and fear reaction!  Living in strong fear over time is very damaging to health!  Many people become seriously ill, lose their appetite and lose weight.  It may take several weeks for a case to be dropped.  Today, a large part of the population is being suppressed by the Barnevernet.  How does this suppression work in practice?  Let's say you received a letter from Barnevernet.  You go through the whole round.  Case closed.  You don't want to have anything to do with Barnevernet ever again.  Then you are limited and have to keep a low profile.  Be careful what you do and what you say.  Who you hang out with.  How to join the community and on social media.  You lose a lot of your freedom until your child has grown older.  It is to live in oppression.  It is not good for yourself, your family and your child.  Not good for anyone.  Barnevernet, a state in the state with too much power.  A system that is abusive in every way!  The schools, among other things, actively use Barnevernet. Use it as a barrier to gain control over pupils and parents.  People send harassment messages, etc. Barnevernet does their job, runs a case!  What about everyone who is wrongfully deprived of children?  There are no words!  There is massive opposition to Barnevernet in Norway.  Each time they send new letters, they create new enemies!  The risk of hate crime against offices, managers and employees in Barnevernet is high.  Should major accidents happen before the system is changed?  Politicians, immediate action is required!  Create a new system based on biological principle and protection of the family. "
There are several reasons why this post is suitable for highlighting the problem of family-splitting child protection.  First, it is an Norwegian father who writes and Norway seems to be a good place to start.
Norway has just lost a case in the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights hereafter called ECHR.
The case was a forced adoption case, and the ECHR found that the way the case had been handled in Norway was a violation of human rights.
In conjunction with the Grand Chamber judgment, EMD has admitted a very high number of child care cases from Norway for admissibility.  There are currently 35 cases pending.  This is a a great number, especially considering that Norway is a country with a population of less than 5 million inhabitants.

Another reason why Norway is a good place to start is that Norway has had a very fine and well-functioning resistance movement, which has been good at focusing on the very big problems of the Norwegian Child Protection Service.

Ørjan Larsen's opinion on Facebook is also interesting because it is actually not so much about unjustified placement of children.  It is about the power exerted by the system even in situations where the children, upon completion of the investigation, are allowed to stay with their parents.  He talks about the investigations that parents and children face when problems in a family are suspected.  The way in which the childcare system goes into families and suppresses and breaks down with the threat that the children can be removed.  It is part of a tendency we see in our modern civilized society at the moment.  A trend in which the state suppresses and creates divisions in amongst its own citizens instead of alleviating problems and breeding grounds for well-being.

The history behind the global protest.
Over the past ten years there has been a few global protests against Norway's child Protection System because they have removed children from foreign families.  Best known is probably the Bodnariu case where Norway removed 5 children from a Norwegian resident Romanian family.

The global protest movement which protested on September 7, 2019 in 9 different countries and which has planned demonstration in 12 different countries on December 7, 2019 has started in Bulgaria.

The Norwegian state has provided support to the Bulgarian state with a special focus on the social sector.  The Norwegian state has worked to introduce Norway's method and ideology regarding child protection into the Bulgarian system.  As a result, the Bulgarian government has adopted a 15-year plan to restructure the Bulgarian child care so that the Nordic standards are adapted.  The Bulgarians do not like it and therefore a very large and very strong protest movement has formed in Bulgaria.  It was from this very strong Bulgarian protest movement that the idea of ​​a global protest movement emerged, which led to the first global protest, namely the September 7 protest. 
I have made three blog posts that describe some of the countries that participated and that show some pictures from the different countries' protests.
The first global protest was directly aimed at the Norwegian child protection system.  "Barnevernet" and the slogan of the protest was "Stop Barnevernet Ideology!".  We had a notion that it was in Norway that the family divisive strategy had been developed and that it spread from Norway to other countries.
In connection with the September 7 protest and especially after the September 7 protest, it has become clear to me that this is not the case.
The family-splitting approach seems to be sprouting up everywhere.  We see it in New Zealand, in the USA, in Germany, in Ireland, in Denmark, in Finland, in Sweden, in the Netherlands, in Switzerland, etc.
In fact, I am increasingly questioning whether Norway is actually the worst when it comes to cruel approaches to families with children or whether there are other countries that are just as bad or worse, but have not yet been discovered because of their suppression of  citizens worked so effectively.
In each case, we see a worldwide tendency for authorities to use family intervention as a means of sanction and repression.  At the same time, we see a transition from external control mechanisms to internal psychological mechanisms that justify intervention in the family with some psychological assessments of parental abilities.
This is the trend we are protesting against in the global protest.  This trend and the thousand children who are unjustly removed because of it.
Good texts describing the situation in English.
